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Independent College: Welcome

Resources for planning and reflecting

Welcome to the Library Online! 

Welcome to the library homepage. The library is the portal to access information resources for students and staff at Independent College & International House Dublin, and PAI. These resources include books, eBooks, databases, journals, news articles, and videos. The online resources are available 24/7 on or off-campus.

Learners can access study and research guides designed to assist them in assignment writing and project planning. Information and tips on referencing and citation, and Turnitin also feature. Enjoy exploring the resources provided to you!

Study spaces and some computers are available for individuals at the library. Study rooms can be booked for pairwork and groups. 

Opening Hours




Saturday, Sunday: Closed 

Library hours can be adjusted before and during exam time.

Look for updates here and the weekly student newsletter!

Contact Info

Library, Room 206
Independent College / International House,
Block B, The Steelworks, Dublin, D01 XX97

+353 (0)18773921

Quick Access Resource Links

OpenAthens: Sign in to access our e-resources/digital library anywhere with a WiFi connection. Open Athens will give you access to all our databases, including EBSCO, Sage Research Methods, VLeBooks, and Westlaw legal databases. 






EBSCO/EBSCO Discovery Service: This is the college's main research database granting access to many thousands of information resources including eBooks and journal articles. 

Catalogue: Search the library's physical collection ONLY using our Liberty system.

Moodle Library page: The home of the library via Moodle. Access research and study guides, instructional videos and more.