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Independent College: Turnitin

Resources for planning and reflecting

Turnitin at Independent College

What is Turnitin? 

Turnitin is a system used by Independent College Dublin which allows students to upload assignments for grading and feedback. It also combats

plagiarism and helps to ensure academic standards and integrity. 


What are CA links?

Each assignment will have a distinct Continuous Assessment (CA)Turnitin link, with a Start date (the date the link opens), a Due date (the final date for submission), and the Post date (the date results are revealed). Students can usually make numerous uploads before the DUE date to get a Similarity Report. Please consult with your lecturer about this. 


What is resubmission?

Resubmission allows a student to make multiple uploads of an assignment BEFORE a due date to take advantage of the similarity report system and improve their writing where possible.  


What is the Turnitin Similarity Report?

The similarity report highlights text in a student’s assignment that can match other student papers, scholarly papers, and online sources. It is designed to assist students in producing high-quality academic writing. 


How do I interpret the similarity report? 

Having similarities in your work DOES NOT immediately mean you have committed plagiarism! A student can review the report and any highlighted sections of text, and double-check they have followed academic writing conventions (i.e., the Harvard referencing system). Learners should study this guide if they have concerns about any similarity report.

What is an acceptable level of similarity?

Some level of similarity is to be expected in a written text, i.e.,  students completing the same assignment may quote from, or use information from the same source(s). However, to avoid any instance of plagiarism, all learners should strive to reference correctly any quote, and/or external information source used.  A higher similarity report rating can indicate that you need to improve your writing and referencing!

Turnitin does not highlight incorrect referencing and/or citation. Thus, learners are reminded to familiarise themselves with the college referencing and citation policy, consult resources on the Harvard referencing system, and visit the relevant resources and guides produced by the library to assist them in assignment planning and referencing.


Similarity Report Colour Indicators

The colour of the report icon indicates the similarity score of the paper, based on the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100%. The possible similarity ranges are: 

  • Blue: No matching text

  • Green: One word to 24% matching text

  • Yellow: 25-49% matching text

  • Orange: 50-74% matching text

  • Red: 75-100% matching text


Student Guide: How to submit a file to Turnitin 

Please consult the below GUIDES to learn more about the Turnitin file submission process and what to do if you encounter problems.