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Independent College: Avoiding Plagiarism

Resources for planning and reflecting


ParaphraseFrom the Greek para ("beyond") and phrasis ("to tell"). It is a rewording of thought expressed in a previously spoken statement or written work. It is not a quote, but rather is used to express the same meaning using different words

Paraphrasing allows you to express another author's ideas and research in your own words. It can demonstrate your own understanding of complex research and concepts and can aid you in your critical thinking skills, i.e., thinking objectively. 

Try the below activity on paraphrasing. Be sure to read all the activity notes to learn the most you can about paraphrasing: 

Paraphrasing Practice Activity (credit to Uni of Arizona).

Learn to paraphrase without plagiarising with UCL's Beginner Guide to Paraphrasing.

Watch the below video Paraphrasing: Explained to learn more


Check out this video produced by The National Academic Integrity Network (2022) from Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

Avoiding Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism and why should it be avoided?

When you take another person's ideas or work and attempt to present it as your own. This could be a matter of copying your friend's work, or it could be taken directly from a book, article, or website without acknowledging that the work is not your own. Sometimes plagiarism ins unintentional when referencing convention is not duly followed.

  • Failure to acknowledge other people's ideas and/or statements is seen as Academic Misconduct and can result in serious consequences including expulsion.
  • Want to learn more about plagiarism? Here's a short video presentation on plagiarism from the Steelman Library at Southeastern University.

Academic Integrity

What do we mean by Academic Integrity?

“the commitment to, and demonstration of, honest and moral behaviour in an academic setting" (Qqi, 2022).

Academic integrity means being true to yourself and being fair to your classmates by following academic writing conventions, conducting good quality research and acknowledging all external sources that you have consulted. It is also making the decision NOT to cheat. 

Refer to the following interactive Library Guide on Academic integrity 

There is also a quick-read document about how academic integrity is upheld, and plagiarism is detected at Independent College Dublin. Please also watch the video from QQI. 


Turnitin: A web-based plagiarism detection service used by the College for all assignments. Look for the Turnitin symbol on Moodle to find where to upload an assignment. Upload in advance of the submission date to check/recheck for potential instances of poor referencing and/or plagiarism and then edit accordingly. 


Consult the below resources to learn more including our library guide on Turnitin!

Turnitin Library Guide

The Feedback Studio (Turnitin Help)

Interpreting the Similarity Report 

Turnitin's 10 Types of Plagiarism 

The Source Credibility Guide