A scholarly periodical that makes the full text of the articles it publishes universally and freely available via the Internet in easily read format, in some cases by depositing them immediately upon publication without embargo in at least one widely recognized open access repository. In this new model of scholarly communication, the costs of publication are recovered not from subscription fees, but from publication fees paid by authors out of their grant funds or from other sources (ODLIS 2020)
Business Research:
The official journal of the German Academic Association of Business Research bridges the borders of subfields in business research by covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex character of business problems.
Dublin Business Review:
An open access journal published by Dublin Business School.
International Journal of Peace & Development Studies
International NGO Journal
Journal of Law & Conflict Resolution
Journal of Mediation and Applied Conflict Analysis:
Maynooth University's bi-annual, online-only, open access journal covering all aspects of mediation, restorative practices, and conflict intervention, as well as interdisciplinary topics where applied conflict analysis forms the central theme.
Journal of Research Practice:
A quality-conscious peer-reviewed journal, published online by Athabasca University Press (AU Press), Canada, in the open-access model.
Law Society Gazette:
Ireland's No.1 source of daily legal news service for legal professionals and the general public.
Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for Behavioral and Social Sciences:
The official journal of the European Association of Methodology that covers the three main disciplines: data analysis, research methodology, and psychometrics.
Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Journal
Pepperdine Law Review
SSRN Conflict & Dispute Resolution eJournal:
More than 400 recent and historical scholarly articles on many alternative dispute resolution topics.
SSRN Litigation, Procedure, and Dispute Resolutuion eJournals:
Access to thousands of recent and historical scholarly articles on several aspects of legal practice, including alternative dispute resolution.
SSRN Negotiation and Dispute Resolution eJournal:
This resource provides free online access to thousands of recent and historical scholarly articles on topics relating to negotiation and dispute resolution.
Survey Research Methods:
The official peer-reviewed journal of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), deals primarily with large scale surveys and covers topics from survey design to data collection.
Academic Journals:
Open access to many professional journals.
Digital Commons Network:
Brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of thousands of universities and colleges worldwide including:
Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal
This journal seeks to facilitate an intellectual discourse on the rapidly evolving field of alternative dispute resolution.
Pepperdine Digital Commons: Theses & Dissertations - explore this vast collecioin of graduate work
Directory of Open Access Journals:
Linking together thousands of open access journals and over a million open access articles. Browse by topic.
Open Access Library:
An academic search engine, publisher, and shared academic database. Download research papers for free or submit your own.
An authoritative directory of over 2,000 academic open access repositories. OpenDOAR lets you search for repositories or search repository contents.
Publication Forum (Jufo) Search for OA journals listed in Jufo.
RIAN: Open Access Irish research publications
Rian, the Irish word for path, is the outcome of a sectoral higher education project supported by the Irish Government's 'Strategic Innovation Fund'. Project planning was carried out by the seven Irish university libraries, DCU, NUIG, Maynooth University, TCD, UCC, UCD, UL and was supported by the Irish Universities Association (IUA).
ROAD Directory of open access scholarly resources.